2025 Egg My Yard Fundraiser




Item DescriptionPriceQty
 50 Candy Filled Eggs$25.00 
 100 Candy Filled Eggs$50.00 
 200 Candy Filled Eggs$100.00 

Please note that egg deliveries are for zip codes 75206, 75214 and 75223 only.

Location for eggs
Delivery placement

Please select whether you'd like your eggs dropped off on your porch in a bag, or hidden in your front yard.  Please note that 75218, 75228, 75231, and 75238 are porch drop only!  

To recycle your eggs, please empty them, close them, bag them (preferably in sets of 50), and bring them to a drop off location!  

Egg Drop Off Locations:

Mata Montessori

Woodrow Wilson High School (front entry vestibule outside the main office)

Lakewood Elementary (front entry)